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Search Engine Optimization- SEO Agency

With a Well-Optimized Website, Turn Clicks into Customers & Get Visible Online

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An SEO Marketing Agency That Proves Its Mettle

In today’s digital era, it’s essential to stay connected with your customers to expand your business and discover new horizons. According to statistics, about 55% of the world’s population comprises active Internet users. Of these, 53% do good research to know the authenticity of any brand before connecting with it.


Another study shows that 92% of consumers visit any brand’s website with intentions other than buying. These may include product or service research, comparison, business review, etc. This data reveals a consumer’s psyche: they don’t purchase on impulse.

Let’s admit it. You know what you are lacking but don’t know how to get it. Our SEO experts frequently hear this from our clients. There are many reasons to contact an SEO agency like ours.


● You are striving hard to make your website visible online.

● You notice a recent decrease in your website’s traffic.

● Out of nowhere, you find your leads and conversions on the decline.

● You are starting a new website and want to optimize it quickly.


If any of the above-mentioned reasons brought you here, you are knocking at the right door. Rest assured, Bilavo Agency is the right SEO agency you need to reach out to for your website optimization and online visibility issues. At present, we are serving hundreds of clients to provide optimization solutions for Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

With the availability of the vast global marketplace, online shoppers have much to assess and compare among brands, such as prices, features, and best offers. Without an online presence, you are unable to connect with your target audience and popularize your brand. It's only an influential custom web design by a trusted Web Design Company like ours that helps you build consumer trust and gain market referrals.


An SEO Solution to Fix Your Problems

Take Online Business to New Heights - SEO Agency

We have been helping businesses who want to expand their online presence, increase leads, and multiply their revenue. Our tried-and-tested SEO practices created many success stories for clients. For reference, just go through these testimonials by our clients or read this case study.


Like others, you also want to be on the first page of the search engine result pages (SERP) for relevant keywords that match your business. Not ranking higher on Google's first page means you are probably missing out on important leads. Search engine optimization is not just a trend, nor is it an option that you should keep delaying if you really want to grow your business. SEO is a must-have part of any plan to market your products or services if you want to bring in more leads and sales.


Be a better version of your business by partnering with an SEO agency that delivers results.

You’ve Finally Found the Best-Fit SEO Agency

Bilavo Agency has the right SEO solutions you have been looking for. Don’t waste any more time thinking and giving your competitors a chance to look down on you! It’s time to be recognized!


Our SEO Services

Get More Visible Online and Increase Your SEO Rankings

Keyword Research


Bilavo is a renowned SEO agency with a deep understanding of your niche, empowering you to soar in search engine rankings for targeted search terms. Our seasoned SEO experts employ a meticulous approach to elevate your digital presence. Our process begins with a comprehensive review of your current keyword rankings and your desired keyword wishlist. We then embark on extensive keyword research, refining our list to align seamlessly with your competitive landscape. Trust us to propel your online visibility and drive organic traffic to new heights.


Content Writing


At Bilavo, our team of seasoned professional writers is dedicated to delivering SEO-friendly content that is perfectly tailored to your website's needs. We understand that search engines favor websites that consistently update their content.


Therefore, our SEO agency stands ready to assist you in creating fresh, engaging content or optimizing your existing service and product pages. Whether you need brand-new blog posts, articles, or a complete overhaul of your web copy, our content experts are here to ensure that your online presence remains dynamic and appealing to both search engines and your target audience.

Building Backlinks


Backlinks are undeniably a cornerstone of improved search engine rankings, but not just any run-of-the-mill links will suffice. This is precisely where our top-tier SEO agency comes into play. We boast a dedicated team of seasoned professionals who specialize in the intricate art of link building.


With established connections to a vast network of highly reputable websites, we ensure that the backlinks generated for your website are of the highest quality and relevance. By collaborating with us, you gain access to a wealth of link-building expertise that is tailored to propel your website to the forefront of search engine results pages, ultimately enhancing your online visibility and authority.

Technical SEO


Optimizing the technical underpinnings of your website's backend is a pivotal factor in achieving higher search engine rankings. Our meticulous approach involves addressing minute details and rectifying errors, encompassing tasks such as enhancing page speed and ensuring a seamless mobile-responsive design.


These improvements facilitate smoother site crawling by search engines, ultimately leading to enhanced rankings. At our SEO agency, we take pride in making search engines ecstatic by expertly managing your technical SEO, a transformation that invariably leads to your own jubilation as your online presence ascends to new heights!

Local SEO


Local SEO is a critical facet of your online presence, and our SEO agency excels in optimizing this crucial aspect. In an age where 64% of customers actively seek out local businesses online, harnessing the power of local search is paramount. Our expertise lies in enhancing your company's local SEO rankings, primarily through platforms such as Google My Business (GMB) or Google Business Profile. By diligently managing these profiles, we not only bolster your online visibility within your local community but also magnetize high-intent customers actively searching for your products or services. Our strategic approach paves the way for robust growth in your local following, as we work tirelessly to ensure that your business remains at the forefront of local search results.


Off-Page SEO


Off-page SEO is equally important for establishing brand credibility and improving your online exposure. Partner with our SEO agency to have better link-building, social media marketing, and influencer marketing to generate high-quality links and positive ratings.

On-Page SEO


Experts at our SEO agency publish unique value-rich content and use high-resolution images and optimize your headlines. These tactics optimize your On-Page SEO, enhance your online visibility, and earn your site high traffic.

Franchise SEO


Uplift your franchise marketing efforts with the help of our SEO agency. We publish geo-specific content, grab next-door advertising, and develop customized web designs.

Shopify SEO


Our SEO agency strengthens your store’s digital presence and widens your market reach. To optimize your customers’ Shopify experience, Bilavo Agency provides a Shopify audit, Shopify web design, paid advertising, and review publishing services.


Amazon SEO


Introduce your brand on Amazon through our SEO agency and reach millions of customers. We provide goal-oriented Amazon marketing services to promote your products to your target customers.

eCommerce SEO


We help you to provide your customers with a convenient 24/7 shopping experience. We achieve this through targeted email marketing campaigns and optimizing your site for mobile and voice searches. To further improve your sales volume, we offer Walmart market integration.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Maximize your conversion opportunities with our pay-per-click marketing strategy. Our SEO agency also performs other CRO services, such as website analysis and landing page optimization.

Historic SEO Results

We had a historic year in 2019 while helping businesses of all sizes with their SEO. Have a look at our cumulative results.


Total Website Traffic           Total leads              Total Keywords

 52,341,854                            4,822,311                   16,315

Why Bilavo Agency Services Are the Best

We Have Proven it Over and Over Again: Our SEO Works

Rich Experience


With five years of experience in SEO, web design, and persuasive copywriting, our SEO agency still has a long way to go. We have helped businesses grow their online presence and drive more revenue. We have client stories, testimonials, and case studies that reflect our high-quality work.


Dedicated SEO Professional


We try to make the technical and complicated SEO process much simpler for our clients. As a part of this process, we engage one dedicated SEO professional to deal with each client. In this way, our experts get an insight into your business, and they can tailor a customized strategy according to your unique needs.


Customer Relationships


We focus on each of our customers, as we believe in building relationships that go a long way. We deal with a range of businesses, from small to large. What is common when dealing with every client is that we own their voice and work day and night to achieve exponential growth in their businesses.


We Keep Ourselves Updated


SEO strategies are not hard and fast rules; hence, keep on changing and updating. Keeping this in mind, our SEO agency is constantly learning new techniques to remain ahead of the rest.


We Believe in a Fair Play


We believe in fair play, which is why we use white-hat SEO strategies to drive results, not spamming the system, which can result in Google penalties. We never let you down or take any risk for your business.


Transparent Reporting


Our SEO agency maintains transparency, so you can see the impact of our efforts on increasing your online revenue. We provide you with in-depth reporting, such as a Google Analytics report that gives you an overview of your site’s SEO performance. Also, you get a monthly breakdown of the SEO tasks, updated keyword rankings, and a monthly video summary for review.


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